Showing posts with label skype. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skype. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2008

Google Docs

Google Docs looks like a great way to share and edit our written work. This from the google site: "Edit and present with others in real time. Multiple people can view and make changes at the same time. There's an on-screen chat window for spreadsheets, and document revisions show you exactly who changed what, and when. Viewing a presentation together is a breeze, as anyone joined in a presentation can automatically follow along with the presenter."

We could post our docs here and either use the on-screen chat window or do a skype conference call while we work (See my comments under Stacey's post about skype. I did some research. Here's the link about conference calls:

If we do a skype chat while working on Google Docs, we can bookmark for later use. Not sure if that is a feature on Google Docs. If it is, no need to open two windows.

Google Docs might solve some of the problems we've been having with our current wiki (space limitation, fee after certain storage used, and login problems). Thoughts?